Sunday, April 25, 2010

Alberta Martin, the (almost) Last Confederate Widow

For the last few years of her life, Mrs. Alberta Martin of Alabama was celebrated as the last living widow of a Confederate Soldier. She had married William Jasper Martin when she was 21 and he was in his 80's. It was common back then for young girls to marry aged War Veterans- When the old Vet passed away his pension was a steady source of income. After her husband passed away, she married his Grandson and was wed to him for over 50 years! Following her death, another woman came forward as a Confederate Widow, and her claim was indeed verified (she and her family were reluctant as they did not want publicity). Mrs. Martin had a friend write a letter, and sent along several photocopies of articles/ pictures all signed by her.

1 comment:

Tom D. said...

I find it funny that such an age difference is frowned upon these days but was so common back then!!