Thursday, April 9, 2009

Miep Gies- Saved the Diary of Anne Frank

Miep Gies recently turned 100 years old. During World War II, The Netherlands was occupied by Nazi Germany. Many Dutch citizens, risking their own lives, did what they could to hide Dutch Jews- These were their friends- people they had known their whole lives- and now all of a suden these people were now "Juden." and subject to deportation and death.

Miep was employed in the Spice company owned by Otto Frank. When things became too dangerous, Otto Frank, his wife, their daughters Margot and Anne, along with four others went into hiding in the attic above Mr. Frank's business. For over two years, their secret was safe. Miep, her husband Jan, and three others kept their friends alive and hidden. On August 4, 1944, an informant informed the Gestapo there were people in the building. The Franks and their friends were discovered and sent to the Concentration Camps. Only Otto Frank survived the war. Miep found Anne's Diary in the rubble of the torn apart office, and later gave it to Otto Frank after she learned that Anne did not survive.

The Diary of Anne Frank is the second most widely read book in the World, second only to The Bible. Miep did not read it when she found it- She later stated if she had, she would have destroyed it due to the incriminating evidence in it against those who kept the Franks in hiding. Many people hail her as a hero, but she was simply doing what she knew in her heart was right- helping her friends.

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