Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Armistice- 90 years ago

Exactly 90 years ago, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, one of the most horrific war's the world has ever seen came to an end. In the United States anyway, today this "War to end all Wars" is largely forgotton. Mention Passchendaele, Flanders, Jutland, etc to any passer-by and they'll probably look at you like you should be in an institution. Its sad that an entire generation of men was virtually wiped off the face of the Earth, and school children are taught very little about it. Only when I was in college and took a class on WWI did I really understand how it happened and what it was all about.
"Veteran's Day" now honors all Veterans, and rightly so- but on this, the 90th Anniversary of "Armistice Day" we should especially pause and remember the millions on both sides who gave their lives from 1914-1918. There are just a handfull of men left who served in the military during this time. The youngest is 107, the oldest is 112. There may be several more Armistice days yet where there are WWI Veterans still living, but the likelyhood of that grows less and less with each passing year. Remember them today.

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