Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fritz Weaver, Veteran Character Actor

Fritz Weaver has been acting in films and television for over 50 years. He is a commanding presence and his voice is unmistakeable. He appeared in two classic Twilight Zone episodes; "Third from the Sun" and "The Obsolete Man." He also starred in an episode of Tales From the Darkside called "Inside the Closet." I remember watching that episode as a kid, and it scared the Hell out of me! I would always watch it though whenever they showed it!
It's well-known that he was a conscientious objector during WWII. I asked him why this was (as it just seemed illogical to me that anyone wouldn't want to fight to stop the advancement of the Nazis). He wrote me a very personal letter, explaining that his father had become a Quaker in 1938, and he and his brother were both strongly influenced by him. He admitted that in retrospect it caused him much anguish then, but the wars the US has fought since then have only reinforced his father's rightness.

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